Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides


Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides


Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides was a thrilling challenge that tested my skills and strategy. The sense of accomplishment when I handed ov

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Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides was a thrilling challenge that tested my skills and strategy. The sense of accomplishment when I handed over the hides to Blorbo was unforgettable. This quest truly enhanced my gaming experience.

Finishing the mission to present to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides is a testament to a player’s commitment, expertise, and strategic thinking. By understanding the complexities of the quest, preparing adequately, and utilizing efficient strategies, you can achieve this challenging goal and earn Blorbo’s approval.

Throughout this guide, you’ll uncover the secrets to mastering this challenging quest, from gathering the necessary gear to defeating the formidable hobgoblins and earning Blorbo’s coveted approval. Discover tips, strategies, and insights to make your journey successful.

Understanding the Quest

Who is Blorbo the Shrewd?

Blorbo the Shrewd is a renowned NPC (Non-Player Character) in the game known for his cunning and strategic mind. He is a critical character in the lore, often involved in various high-stakes quests.

Blorbo values rare and challenging-to-acquire items, such as hobgoblin hides, which he uses for crafting powerful artifacts.

The Significance of Hobgoblin Hides

Hobgoblin hides are not just any ordinary loot. They are rare items that require players to defeat hobgoblins, a formidable foe in the game. These hides are prized for their durability and are used in crafting some of the most powerful gear available.

Bringing 25 hobgoblin hides to Blorbo signifies not only a player’s combat prowess but also their ability to strategize and endure.

Preparing for the Quest

Gear and Equipment

Before embarking on this quest, ensure you are adequately equipped. Here’s a checklist of essential gear:

  1. High-Durability Armor: Hobgoblins are tough opponents, so you’ll need armor that can withstand significant damage.
  2. Potent Weapons: Use weapons that deal high damage and have special effects such as poison or fire.
  3. Healing Potions: Stock up on healing potions to keep your health up during prolonged battles.
  4. Buff Items: Items that increase your strength, defense, and agility will be invaluable.

Skills and Abilities

Having the right skills and abilities can make a significant difference. Focus on these areas:

  1. Combat Skills: Enhance your combat skills to maximize damage output and efficiency.
  2. Stealth Abilities: Stealth can help you avoid unnecessary fights and ambush hobgoblins effectively.
  3. Healing Skills: Skills that allow you to heal yourself or others can be a lifesaver.

Team Composition

If you are playing in a team, consider the following roles:

  1. Tank: A player who can take a lot of damage and draw the attention of hobgoblins.
  2. DPS (Damage Per Second): Players who can deal significant damage quickly.
  3. Healer: A player dedicated to keeping the team’s health up.

Locating Hobgoblins

Hobgoblin Habitats

Hobgoblins typically inhabit certain regions of the game world. These areas are often dangerous and filled with other hostile creatures. Common habitats include:

  1. Dark Forests: Dense forests where hobgoblins set up ambushes.
  2. Caverns: Underground caves where hobgoblins hide and plan their attacks.
  3. Ruins: Abandoned structures that serve as hobgoblin strongholds.

Best Times to Hunt

Hobgoblins may be more active during certain times of the day or under specific weather conditions. Observing their patterns can give you an advantage. For example:

  1. Nighttime: Hobgoblins are often more active at night, providing more opportunities for encounters.
  2. Rainy Weather: Some hobgoblins might take shelter in caves, making them easier to find.

Strategies for Defeating Hobgoblins

Combat Tactics

To effectively defeat hobgoblins, use these combat tactics:

  1. Crowd Control: Use abilities that can stun or slow down multiple hobgoblins at once.
  2. Focus Fire: Coordinate with your team to focus on one hobgoblin at a time, reducing their numbers quickly.
  3. Positioning: Keep moving to avoid being surrounded. Use the terrain to your advantage.

Utilizing the Environment

The environment can be a powerful ally. Here’s how to use it effectively:

  1. Ambush Points: Set up ambushes where you can surprise hobgoblins and get the upper hand.
  2. Choke Points: Fight in narrow areas where hobgoblins can’t surround you.
  3. Natural Hazards: Lure hobgoblins into traps or hazardous areas, such as cliffs or fire pits.

Collecting and Preserving Hobgoblin Hides

Efficient Collection

Once you defeat a hobgoblin, make sure to collect the hide efficiently:

  1. Quick Skinning: Use skinning tools to collect hides quickly before other enemies appear.
  2. Avoid Damage: Ensure the hides are not damaged during the fight for better quality.

Preservation Techniques

To keep the hides in top condition:

  1. Salting: Use salt to preserve the hides and prevent decay.
  2. Drying: Dry the hides in a safe area to maintain their quality.

Presenting the Hides to Blorbo

Approaching Blorbo

When you have collected all 25 hobgoblin hides, approach Blorbo with caution and respect:

  1. Greet Respectfully: Acknowledge Blorbo’s status with a respectful greeting.
  2. Presenting the Hides: Show the hides and explain the effort and strategy involved in collecting them.

Dialogue Options

Engage in dialogue that highlights your commitment and strategy. Possible dialogue options include:

  1. Detail Your Journey: Explain the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
  2. Emphasize Strategy: Discuss the strategies you used to collect the hides efficiently.

Rewards and Benefits

Immediate Rewards

Upon successfully presenting the hides to Blorbo, you can expect immediate rewards such as:

  1. Experience Points: A significant boost to your experience points, helping you level up.
  2. Rare Items: Blorbo may reward you with rare and powerful items.

Long-Term Benefits

In addition to immediate rewards, there are long-term benefits:

  1. Reputation: Increased reputation with Blorbo and possibly other NPCs.
  2. Future Quests: Unlocking new and more challenging quests.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Encountering Strong Hobgoblins

Some hobgoblins are stronger than others. To overcome this:

  1. Prepare Adequately: Ensure you have the best gear and potions.
  2. Strategize: Use advanced tactics and team coordination.

Running Out of Supplies

Running out of supplies mid-quest can be disastrous. Prevent this by:

  1. Stocking Up: Carry more than enough supplies before starting.
  2. Supply Points: Identify areas where you can restock.

Navigating Difficult Terrain

Difficult terrain can slow you down. To navigate effectively:

  1. Use Maps: Have detailed maps of the areas where hobgoblins reside.
  2. Travel Light: Carry only essential items to move quickly.


What are the best weapons to use against hobgoblins?

The best weapons to use against hobgoblins are those that deal high damage and have special effects. Weapons with poison or fire attributes are particularly effective.

How do I find hobgoblins more easily?

Hobgoblins are often found in dark forests, caverns, and ruins. Observing their activity patterns and hunting during their active times, such as nighttime or rainy weather, can increase your chances of finding them.

What should I do if I run out of supplies?

If you run out of supplies, try to identify nearby safe areas where you can restock. Carry extra supplies before starting the quest to avoid this situation.

How can I ensure the quality of the hobgoblin hides?

To ensure the quality of the hides, use quick skinning techniques, avoid damaging the hides during combat, and use preservation methods such as salting and drying.

What are the rewards for completing the quest?

Completing the quest can reward you with experience points, rare items, increased reputation, and the opportunity to unlock more challenging quests.


Finishing the mission to present to Blorbo the Shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides is a testament to a player’s commitment, expertise, and strategic thinking.

By understanding the complexities of the quest, preparing adequately, and utilizing efficient strategies, you can achieve this challenging goal and earn Blorbo’s approval. This guide has provided you with comprehensive insights and strategies to help you succeed in this endeavor. Happy hunting!

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